Canine Influenza Outbreak
APPOINTMENTRecommended course of actions found at the bottom of this page.
Multiple positive cases of Canine Influenza, a potentially deadly virus, have just recently been diagnosed in the Bay Area! On June 19th, 2019 we were made aware of several Canine Flu Cases being confirmed at the Oakland Animal Services organization.
In February 2018, Northern California reported its first case of CIV. We are now a little more than a year removed from the nation’s largest Canine Flu outbreak, and this brings to light the continued difficulty we face in controlling the introduction of these types of highly infectious diseases to our ever-growing dog population in California. California has the highest dog population in the United States. Couple this with an ever changing population as people move in/out of the state, influx of dogs needing new homes from disaster areas, and our highly integrated communities, this just reinforces our need to stay incredibly vigilant in order to ward off another large scale Canine influenza virus outbreak in our region! Pups at increased risk are those that participate in pet boarding, grooming and “social” activities, frequent dog parks, doggie play groups, etc.
A coughing dog could present with a number of possible viruses/bacteria… many of which we CAN protect against (Bordetella, Parainfluenza), and also many that we CAN’T (mycoplasma). We do, however, have an option when it comes to Canine Flu… and that is the Bivalent Canine Influenza vaccine (H3N2/H3N8). This safe and efficacious vaccine gives our dogs the best chance to be protected; and defend off severe infection should they be exposed (Non-sterilizing vaccines, patient could become symptomatic but shedding time, and severity of disease are greatly reduced).
If your dog has not been properly vaccinated against this deadly virus, please call your vet to schedule an appointment to discuss getting the CIV vaccine. Remember, all vaccines are just 50% OFF EVERY WEDNESDAY! {Thankfully, we have many dogs that were vaccinated last year in the spring/summer of 2018!} If your pet was vaccinated during this time, please remember they need their yearly booster now! Call your vet today and schedule that appointment. With proper records transferred, Pawsh is happy to booster any pups previously vaccinated at other hospitals as well.
With proper education and action, we have the ability to contain/prevent this virus from spreading. Please reach out to our knowledgeable veterinary staff with any additional questions or concerns – 707-451-0571
*Due to this recent outbreak, Pawsh has decided to give dogs who have never received their flu shot a discount at $20 per vaccine for this 2-part series, if pre-paid. Please click on the “Appointment” button below to book your dog’s canine influenza vaccine!