Pet lovers, please read on for 5 mind-blowing, ugly truths about your furry friend’s mouth! Be ready to be shocked, amazed and ready to open up & take a peek inside your pets’ mouths.

 1. Contrary to what you’ve heard, a dog’s mouth is NOT cleaner than a human’s mouth

Yes, we were all told growing up that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than ours. Sorry to break it to ya, but that’s false. Think about it… dogs use their mouths to (sometimes) lick their privates, eat trash, drink out of the toilet, toss around dead animals, and maybe even… consume animal feces! Yuck! Imagine doing all of that and NOT brushing your teeth. Pet germs/bacteria are totally different than humans’ germs/bacteria, so it isn’t apples to apples if we are comparing who has more mouth germs. Simply put, Humans’ mouths are much cleaner than your pets’ mouth. But don’t worry, a kiss or 2 from your FURmily member here and there won’t hurt you!

2. No, your pets’ bad breath is not a normal thing

Most of the time we ignore our pet’s bad breath because we are so used to it that we start thinking it’s normal to have bad doggie/kitty breath. Bad breath is not just a “thing”. It is caused by food particles being stuck in the mouth, which eventually causes plaque to form which, if not taken care of, can lead to dental disease! This also may cause teeth to start rotting which could be another bad thing you’re smelling… Dental disease is a serious, serious gum infection that can even destroy your pets’ jawbone…  and you think pet care is expensive now. Bad breath can also be an indication of an underlying illness/disease. Having “bad breath” addressed is important for the overall health of your pet!

3. Approximately 80% of dogs and cats will have some form of dental disease by age 3

8/10 dogs and cats will develop a form of dental disease within their lifetime. With that kind of statistic, you can’t just sit and hope that your pet will be one of the lucky 2 that do not acquire dental disease. The key here is to have regular brushings and if your pet starts to get bad or worsening breath, see the vet for a dental consult! (Pictured below – *grade 3 dental disease*)

4. For good dental health, your pets’ teeth need to be brushed daily

Daily seems like a big commitment for some people, but what if you didn’t brush your teeth every day? Gross, right? If daily seems unrealistic for you, try starting with once a week. Your pets’ teeth may also require yearly dental cleanings in order to stay in tip-top shape! Overall, providing your pet with good hygiene can add about 2-4 years to their life!

5. Smaller pets are more likely to have dental issues than larger ones

Sorry small pet owners, your pets are more likely to have dental issues. A Yorkshire Terrier is likely to have lost half (21) of its teeth by age 12. WOW. Smaller pets’ teeth are actually relatively large compared to the size of their mouth which causes more crowding than their bigger furry friends. This makes for a very, very crowded mouth where bacteria and plaque can form easier.

Good dental hygiene can literally add on more years to your pet’s life. If you knew about something now that could give you more years with your best friend, why wouldn’t you want to do it? Start taking care of your pet’s oral hygiene now! Also, be on the lookout for any of the signs of dental disease which include, but is not limited to: bad breath, bloody saliva, change in appetite or red gums.

If your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms of dental disease, please set up a dental appointment with your local veterinarian right away! Dental disease can be reversible with professional dental cleanings if you catch it early enough.

To book your FREE dental consultation with Pawsh, follow the link here —->